
Earlier this year, the kids and I read a beautifully narrated (and illustrated) book set during the Civil War. Crossing Bok Chitto: A Choctaw Tale of Friendship and Freedom is the story of a young Choctaw girl who lives across the river from a young boy born into slavery.

One scene in the story depicts the characters as invisible, which led us to discuss the meaning of suspension of disbelief. My daughter, then eleven, remarked, "That's what religious people have to do."


It is an unfortunate day when a woman such as yourself is allowed to teach children to be prejudiced against a person or group because they choose religion over athieism. If people "Like you," have your way, there will be no freedoms in this country and you will not be able to teach what you want because you will have handed your freedoms to the government you worship. I have no quarrel with homosexuals, blacks, athiests, etc. You on the other hand appear to have serious issues with folks who choose to worship something you don't believe in and then raising your children in the belief that we are not only wrong but bigots. Whose wrong here? Whose the bigot? You should be teaching that we live in a free country that allows us to worship whom and when we choose, or not. To love whom we choose. Not that it's right or wrong only as you see it. Being who we want to be is part of the grandness of living in this country, as all of us see it.

Another Disgusted Homeschooling Mom

Hi, Anonymous. You are making an awful lot of assumptions of about what I teach my children based on four sentences in a tongue-in-cheek old abandoned blog.

Gods and goddesses of any religion are not seen. You must suspend your disbelief in order to have faith. My daughter understood that.

My children have been exposed to many religions, including Christianity. They have attended church and Bible schools, and learned about religions other than Christianity. My children are not atheist, nor are they Christian.
When around friends and family who pray, they bow their heads out of respect. Yesterday at a local musical, which ended with "God Bless America," they clapped and cheered, as did I.

I don't worship government. I'm not how you drew that conclusion. I think maybe you are projecting your baggage into this tiny little post.

One more for the record...the majority of our friends now are Christian. Somehow our differing belief system doesn't affect our friendships, because we respect those differences.

Thank you for your comment and the opportunity to clarify.

Daydreams & Night Things


About Me

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Bleu is a scatter-brained woman who daydreams too much and stays up too late. She is a liberal, non-theistic humanist attempting to single-handedly raise three children while trying to remain grounded and centered. But she's not bitter. *wink*
