
I used to blog at HomeschoolJournal as Scrappitydoodah. I haven't updated there since the end of 2007. I think I'm going to delete that blog, but first I'm going to be bringing some of my posts over here.

I imagine there must be some simple way of doing that, but it's beyond me, so it may take awhile.

I apologize if any of these are repeats, but I have a feeling no one will really remember me, anyway. Well, maybe Jo....


Happy Hump Day!


Daydreams & Night Things


About Me

My photo
Bleu is a scatter-brained woman who daydreams too much and stays up too late. She is a liberal, non-theistic humanist attempting to single-handedly raise three children while trying to remain grounded and centered. But she's not bitter. *wink*
